River Routing in the INM RAS-MSU Land Surface Model: Numerical Scheme and Parallel Implementation on Hybrid Supercomputers


  • Victor M. Stepanenko Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation




land surface model, soil, river network, MPI, OpenMP


The land surface model (LSM) is a necessary compartment of any numerical weather forecast system or the Earth system model. This paper presents a new version of the INM RAS-MSU land surface model where the river hydrodynamic and thermodynamic scheme is embedded into the parallel execution framework using MPI and OpenMP. Numerical experiments have been performed for the East European domain with resolution 0.5°× 0.5°. The soil model parallel efficiency at 1–144 MPI cores was 0.52–0.79 and limited by the presence of ocean area, and by imbalance of computational load between soil columns. The acceleration of the river model at MPI level was defined by the size of the largest river basin in the domain. At the OpenMP level, the potential for acceleration of large river basin simulation is shown to be close to number of threads used, based on fractal properties of the river networks. This acceleration was hindered in our numerical experiments by the reduced river orders at the coarse land surface model resolution, so that the optimal speedup for the Volga river basin was 2.5–3 times attained at 4–6 threads. This performance is projected to improve with refinement of the LSM spatial resolution.


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How to Cite

Stepanenko, V. M. (2022). River Routing in the INM RAS-MSU Land Surface Model: Numerical Scheme and Parallel Implementation on Hybrid Supercomputers. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 9(1), 32–48. https://doi.org/10.14529/jsfi220103

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