Mathematical Modeling of Detonation Initiation in the Channel with a Profiled End Using Parallel Computations


  • Alexander I. Lopato Institute for Computer Aided Design RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation; Institute for Computer Science and Mathematical Modeling, I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russian Federation



detonation initiation, unstructured triangular grids, parallel computations, Kelvin-Helmholtz instability


The paper is devoted to a numerical study of detonation initiation in the gas mixture in the channel with a profiled end. Initiation occurs as a result of the reflection of the shock wave of relatively low intensity from the end of the channel. Numerical calculations are carried out using unstructured triangular grids. The numerical algorithm is parallelized by the computational domain decomposition method using the METIS library. The exchange of grid function values between computing cores is performed using the MPI library. Numerical calculations are conducted on grids with different numbers of triangular cells. Detonation initiation patterns are obtained, which correspond to each other. The differences are mainly related to the degree of resolution of the elements of the gas mixture flow in the channel.


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How to Cite

Lopato, A. I. (2023). Mathematical Modeling of Detonation Initiation in the Channel with a Profiled End Using Parallel Computations. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 10(1), 52–57.