NOISEtte CFD&CAA Supercomputer Code for Research and Applications




CFD code, computational fluid dynamics, aeroacoustics, turbulent flows, scale-resolving simulation, hybrid RANS-LES approach, mixed-element mesh, higher-accuracy method, CPU GPU, MPI OpenMP OpenCL


The paper presents an overview of the CFD/CAA code NOISEtte. The code development began in the 2000s. At first it was a research code intended for elaboration of new methods and techniques in CFD and CAA. Nowadays NOISEtte is actively used as a means for solving numerically various applied problems in aviation industry, turbomachinery, helicopter manufacturing, and space rocket engineering. The code operates on mixed-element unstructured meshes, its numerical algorithm is built on higher-accuracy finite-volume methods using quasi-one-dimensional edge-based reconstruction of flow variables. It is well suited for simulating complex turbulent flows, and especially for high-fidelity scale-resolving simulation of non-stationary turbulent flows using novel RANS-LES methods. A remarkable feature of NOISEtte is its original parallel model, which allows computing with high efficiency on modern supercomputers with arbitrary architectures including CPU cores and GPU accelerators.


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How to Cite

Abalakin, I. V., Bakhvalov, P. A. ., Bobkov, V. G., Duben, A. P., Gorobets, A. V., Kozubskaya, T. K., Rodionov, P. V., & Zhdanova, N. S. . (2024). NOISEtte CFD&amp;CAA Supercomputer Code for Research and Applications. Supercomputing Frontiers and Innovations, 11(2), 78–101.

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